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  • Score: 63

    from 2 reviewers

    Review Date:

  • Hero's Blu-ray disappoints with subpar video, poor extras, and lossy Mandarin audio, yet remains the best release to date.

    Hero Blu-ray Front Cover

    Disc Release Date

  • Video: 63

  • Miramax's Blu-ray of 'Hero' markedly improves upon past home video releases with vibrant colors and sharper details, yet it is marred by inconsistencies and technical flaws, falling short of perfection.

  • Audio: 65

  • Disappointment over Miramax's preference for Hero's English dub in DTS-HD over its original Mandarin in Dolby Digital contrasts with praise for the film's immersive, quality sound design, despite codec and subtitle issues.

  • Extra: 43

  • The Special Edition Blu-ray of 'Hero' disappoints, repackaging old, lackluster extras with minimal new content, leaving much to be desired in exploring the film's depth and artistry.

  • Movie: 70

  • Zhang Yimou's 'Hero' is a visually stunning, complex tale of a nameless warrior, blending artistry with martial arts and exploring themes of truth, perception, and destiny.

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